Leslie Willmott | Wardrobe Strategies for Career, Travel & Casual Lifestyles

Wardrobe Strategies for Career, Travel & Casual Lifestyles

Posts Tagged "budget"

How to Be a Smart Shopper

By on Sep 22, 2015

  Fall is in the air and I’m pouring through my favorite fashion magazines, store catalogs, and runway shows on YouTube, dreaming of all the new wardrobe pieces I’d love to have. I can’t have them all – my budget simply won’t allow it – nor do I have the lifestyle many fashions are designed for. Before you and I head to the stores, it’s smart to identify what we need – not just what we want – and to be savvy shoppers. The payoff will be a better investment of both our money and our time.           BEFORE YOU SHOP: 1. Inventory your fall/winter wardrobe to get a big picture of what you already have. There’s nothing worse than getting a new item home and realizing you already have something very similar…or that it doesn’t go with anything else in your closet. (How many orphans does your closet already hold?) 2. Determine what you need. Do some favorite basics need to be replaced due to wear? Does this season’s wardrobe need a little updating? Do you need to bring more of your best colors into your closet? Make a list of “needs” and also “would like to haves” – I find it helpful to make the distinction when shopping within a tight budget. 3. Shop your closet first. Can you restyle items you already have to create a new look? For example, belt a dress and wear it with leggings and booties. Will the addition of an “impact” piece – a new scarf, a belt, or shoe – give last year’s major suit purchase a fresh look? Did you keep that poncho you purchased way back when? Well…it’s “trending” again! NOTE: Here’s where a wardrobe consultant can save you lots of money! A trained eye can see new wardrobe combinations that you hadn’t thought of and give you guidance on what 2 or 3 items will update your wardrobe or compete the best look for you.   TIME IS PRECIOUS, USE IT WISELY: Set a realistic budget. It may be a ballpark number but many women overspend because they don’t set parameters. You don’t want buyer’s remorse when you look at your receipts – make sure you don’t spend more than you can afford. Shop online first. Unless it’s a brand I’ve...

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