Leslie Willmott | Wardrobe Strategies for Career, Travel & Casual Lifestyles

Wardrobe Strategies for Career, Travel & Casual Lifestyles


Heather Swift

By on Jul 28, 2013

“Leslie was a huge help when I had to pack for my first trip to Paris. I kept hearing her wise words “a suitcase is not your closet” in my head as I began to put together my wardrobe. She also made me feel okay about wearing my staple black pants over several days with different tops and using easy-to-pack scarves for color versatility. Locals asked me for directions in French, so that tells me I did a great job in my clothing selection. Also, sticking with layered mix and match colors helped me manage the various weather conditions we experienced. I had plenty of room left in my bag for items I bought shopping. Thank you Leslie!” Heather Swift, Working Mom, Maplewood,...

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Susan Koop

By on Jul 28, 2013

“Bad shopping habits, combined with my fluctuating weight and tricky figure, made for a crowded closet comprised of either years worth of clothes that didn’t fit at all (tags still on) or clothes that “zipped up” but were the wrong cut, color and fabric. I had a wardrobe that wasn’t on par with how I needed to present myself professionally and I feared it would hold me back from closing deals or receiving further promotions. I’m happy to say that after working with Leslie and her calculated approach, my wardrobe now matches my VP title, and the biggest measure of success has been the comments I receive from my colleagues. And her ongoing support for special event and travel clothing choices that I’d otherwise stress over is an added bonus.” Susan Koop, Sales Executive, Brooklyn,...

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Susan K.

By on Jul 1, 2013

“I’m happy to say that after working with Leslie and her calculated approach, my wardrobe now matches my VP title, and the biggest measure of success has been the comments I receive from my colleagues.  Her ongoing support for special event and travel clothing choices that I’d otherwise stress over is an added bonus.” Susan K., Sales Executive, Brooklyn,...

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